Kingston-Upon-Thames Methodist Circuit

About Us

Kingston upon Thames Methodist Circuit (registered charity number 1163652)

The Kingston-upon-Thames Methodist Circuit is a group of the four Methodist Churches in the Royal Borough of Kingston on Thames.  We have around 500 active church members and a much larger community of people who support, visit and use our churches.  The four churches work together to support one another in our worship and service.  The Circuit has three ordained ministers and a number of workers for children, youth, and church administration, along with countless volunteers all spread amongst our four churches.

We are a diverse community, and in our churches you will find people of all ages and backgrounds We hope you will also find a warm welcome.

Kingston Methodist Circuit works closely with our friends in other churches especially when supporting borough wide initiatives like Street Pastors, the Food Bank and Kingston Churches Action on Homelessness.   We are also proud of our Methodist heritage which encourages warm fellowship, practical faith and worship rich in music and prayer.

Circuit Logo small

Our circuit logo tells a story about who we are as the Kingston Methodist Circuit.  

The Red orb and cross on the left is the symbol of the Methodist Church in Britain and shows the cross, Christian symbol of God's love, reaching every corner of the world.  On the right are the three salmon which are the badge of the Royal Borough of Kingston upon Thames, but their shape has been changed, because the fish is also an ancient Christian symbol of God gathering many different people towards him like all the varieties of fish in a net.  The story we want to tell is that the Circuit links our local Methodist Churches to the wider Methodist Church, and at the same time we are deeply committed to serving our own local community and borough.  Along with all our friends in other churches we seek to tell the story of God's love in this place and to invite people to respond to that love.